Dabney Julep

John Dabney was so famous for his Mint Juleps that his obituary claimed that he “concocted more mint juleps than any man in the country.” His were rye-based, piled high with crushed ice and garnished with abandon. One description of a Dabney Julep listed mint, a strawberry, cherry, a slice of pineapple, and a pink rose as garnishes.


12 mint leaves 
½ oz. brown sugar syrup
2½ oz. rye
2 dashes spiced coffee Angostura bitters
Aged rum, for float (optional)

Garnish: mint bouquet, berries, edible flowers, powdered sugar


Muddle the mint leaves and syrup in the bottom of a julep cup. Add a scoop of pebble or crushed ice. Pour rye over the ice and stir briefly to incorporate. Mound more ice on top. Dash rum on top if using. Garnish with abandon! If using powdered sugar, a (dry!) fine strainer acts well as a perfect sieve to distribute the sugar over top evenly.


Downing Cobbler


Melon Delight