Goldminer’s Coffee

The California gold rush created an incredible demand for all kinds of goods that the Bay area didn’t yet have the infrastructure and stock to provide. Coffee was one such commodity and its price skyrocketed as coffee merchants sought to make big profits off the miners’ newfound wealth. I imagine that the miners would have spiked their expensive coffee with a bit of whiskey and sweetened it with pricey sugar and vanilla, too.


1 oz. bourbon
¼ oz.
vanilla syrup
6 oz. hot coffee, preferably french press

Garnish: nutmeg


Heat a mug or teacup with hot water. (Ideally the cup is about 8 oz. in volume.) Prepare coffee, preferably in a French press, but drip or pourover are great options, too. When coffee is ready, dump out heating water and pour in bourbon and vanilla syrup. Pour 6 oz. of coffee on top and garnish with freshly grated nutmeg.


“Dude” Cocktail


Pisco Punch