Lemon Syrup

We used this lemon syrup in December 2020’s Victorian Christmas-themed recipes. It’s meant to mimic the lemon peel and sugar mixture of classic punches.


3 lemons
1 cup white or pure cane sugar

Take the peels off the lemons using a vegetable peeler. (Reserve lemons for juicing for punches or other recipes!) Mix peels in a small Ziploc with 1 cup sugar. Squish around contents of bag a bit, push out all the air, and seal bag. Let sit 1 hour. Turn out contents into a heatproof bowl. Pour 1 cup boiling water over mixture and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Strain out peels. Allow to cool and store until ready to use.


Mint Syrup & Mint Demerara Syrup


Yuletide Syrup