Mint Syrup & Mint Demerara Syrup

These two versions of mint syrup are ideal for Mint Juleps and served us well during our deep-dive into that drink’s history in April of 2024. These are both “rich” syrups (2:1 ratio of sugar to water).


12 sprigs mint
200g white sugar
200g demerara or turbinado sugar

Yield: approximately  7 oz. of each syrup

Boil water. Combine 200g white sugar and 100g hot water in a heat-safe container or bowl and stir until completely dissolved. If necessary, heat on low until just dissolved. Set aside, allowing to cool.

Place 200g demerara or turbinado sugar in a small saucepan. Add 100g hot water and stir. Set on low heat, stirring frequently, just until sugar has completely dissolved. Set aside, allowing to cool.

Prepare an ice bath. Boil a medium pot of water. Firmly hold 12 mint sprigs, holding by the stem ends with the leaves facing down, and submerge them in the boiling water for 15 seconds. Remove and plunge them into the ice bath. Once properly chilled, remove the thicker stems, leaving only leaves and tender stems. Divide the mint equally into two piles.

In a blender, combine the white sugar syrup with half the blanched mint. Blend until the mint is completely incorporated. Fine strain. Bottle, label, and date.

Repeat the blender step with the remaining mint and the demerara syrup.


Bloody Mary Mix


Lemon Syrup