Lime Oleo Syrup

This lime oleo is inspired by the oleo saccharum that forms the sweetening base for traditional punches. We used in in our March 2022 Irish Whiskey Cocktail History recipes.


½ cup demerara or turbinado sugar*
Big pinch of kosher salt
½ cup water
5 grams zest, from 2-3 limes (about 1 Tbsp packed)
½ tsp citric acid

*Sugar in the Raw is an easy-to-find brand

Yield: approximately 6 ounces (¾ cup)

Make a demerara syrup (1:1 ratio) by combining ½ cup very warm water, sugar, and salt in a small saucepan. Stir to dissolve as much as possible, then heat on medium-low, stirring often until just completely dissolved. Let syrup cool. Zest limes. Combine syrup and lime zest in a blender or food processor. Blend for about a minute. Strain through a fine strainer and stir in citric acid. Label and store in fridge in airtight container. Keeps about 4 weeks.


Acid-adjusted Orange Juice


Roasted Orange Cordial & Baked Apples