Pineapple-cinnamon Syrup

This is a multi-step prep task that gets juice and a syrup out of a pineapple and a couple other ingredients. We used this syrup in May 2022’s Tropitivo recipes.


1 pineapple
1 cup cane sugar
2 cinnamon stick
A pinch of salt

First, save any nice looking fronds from the pineapple; store them in a ziploc in the freezer for future garnish use!

Cut top, bottom and rind off pineapple. Compost the top and bottom. Now core the pineapple. Set aside the fleshy fruit, i.e. the juice-able parts.

Now, cut the rind and core into small pieces, about 2 inches each. You should have about 3 cups worth, loosely packed. Place in a nonreactive bowl. Add 1 cup cane sugar and mix thoroughly. Set aside. Toast two cinnamon sticks on medium-low in a dry pan, shifting them every minute or so. They should be fragrant after 7-8 minutes. Break up cinnamon sticks and stir into pineapple-sugar mixture. Let sit for 12 hours, covered, agitating every couple hours if possible, in a cool place. (Note: the fridge is too cold. We need the sugar to draw out the fruit’s juices.)

After 12 hours, strain through a fine mesh strainer over a bowl. This should yield about ¾ cup syrup. add 2 oz. hot water. Seal and shake. Strain. Whisk if sugar is not dissolved. If sugar is not totally dissolved after this step, heat gently just until dissolved. Yield: 1 cup syrup.

Juice the juice-able parts of the pineapple. (You don’t need a juicer! I use a food processor or blender and a fine strainer.)


Pineapple-jalapeño shrub