Pineapple-jalapeño shrub

We used this shrub in May 2023’s Margarita Month.


1 pineapple
1 cup sugar
½ tsp salt
2-3 jalapenos, seeded and cut into rings
1 cup Champagne vinegar

Break down pineapple by first removing the top and bottom. Keep the skin on and cut into wedges (triangles). No need to remove core for this. Combine pineapple with sugar in a large nonreactive container. Cover and set out on the counter for a few hours. Then store in the fridge until you hit the 24-hour mark. At the 24-hour mark, heat jalapeños and vinegar in a small saucepan, simmer for five minutes and remove from heat. Add vinegar and jalapeños to the pineapple / sugar mixture. Store in fridge another 24 hours. Strain the shrub, keeping the pineapple wedges and jalapeños for garnish; allow shrub to rest for 24 hours more (if possible) in the fridge so it can mellow and meld.


Pineapple Cordial


Pineapple-cinnamon Syrup