Cranberry shrub

We used this cranberry shrub for October 2023’s Top’s Tavern theme.


10 oz. (280g) cranberries
1 cup (200g) turbinado sugar
½ teaspoon salt
¾ cup red wine vinegar
¼ cup balsamic vinegar

Yield: 10 oz.

Combine sugar and salt with cranberries in a large nonreactive container. I like to muddle some—but not all— of the cranberries to jumpstart the process. Cover and set out on the counter for a few hours. Stir well. Store in the fridge, covered, until you hit the 24-hour mark (from when you combined the sugar with the cranberries). At the 24-hour mark, add vinegars. Stir well to dissolve some more of the sugar. Store covered in the fridge another 24 hours. Stir or agitate again. Sugar should be fully dissolved now. Whole cranberries can be reserved for garnish on our Montague Mull or Barnstable Punch a variety of fall and winter beverages; you can even put some on cocktail picks and freeze them like that.


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