Erie Canal Fix

The fix is one of the great pre-Civil-War templates but, for such a great drink, it doesn’t get nearly enough attention. Our version features a split base of genever and rye, both grain-based spirits and two of the megastars of early cocktail culture. Be sure to garnish with abandon.


1 oz. genever
1 oz. rye
½ oz.
peach shrub
½ oz.
spiced cherry cordial
½ oz.
ginger syrup
Cherries and assorted berries, for garnish
Lime coins or wheels, for garnish


Combine all in a shaker. Fill three-quarters up with ice and shake hard for 5 seconds. Strain into a footed glass or Collins glass. Add crushed ice to fill. Add a straw if you wish. Garnish with lime wheels / coins, cherries, and any seasonal berries, currants, etc. you like. Pack a little more crushed ice on top of the fruit for effect.


Summer Sangaree


Holland Gin Smash