
Orgeat is an almond syrup that was used long before “tiki” got started, but became much more famous as a tropical ingredient, especially as a component in the Mai Tai. This recipe is adapted from the Fort Defiance house recipe.


½ cup toasted, slivered almonds
¾ cup water
½ cup white sugar
¼ cup demerara sugar
½ oz. aged rum
6-10 drops orange flower water, to taste

Yield: approximately 1 cup

Hand crunch almonds (or gently crush in a ziploc -- do not pulverize). Place in a nonreactive container, preferably with a lid, and add water. Cover and steep for 12 hours. Fine strain through a cheesecloth-lined chinois or fine strain. This should yield approximately 1 cup fresh almond milk. Take 1 cup of the almond milk and add to a saucepan with both sugars. Simmer until sugar is dissolved - do not boil. Add aged rum and orange flower water and stir. Date, label and store in fridge.




Vanilla Syrup