Portsmouth Punch

Tavern culture was deeply tied with ports, in part because some of its most notable drinks were born at sea, but also because so much of taverns’ stock was imported. The combination of rum and brandy was a common one in eighteenth-century punches, and Madeira was a wildly popular imported wine. Our punch is flavored with a plethora of other valuable imports: spices, ginger, lime, and tea.


5 oz. aged rum
5 oz. brandy
4 oz. Madeira
3 oz.
ginger liqueur
2 oz.
spiced brown sugar syrup
3 oz. lime juice
10 oz. black tea, cooled
Nutmeg, for garnish


Note: makes (8) 4-oz. servings.

Combine everything in a nonreactive container and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours, and up to 24 hours, to meld. To serve, pour from a jar or pitcher, or present in a punch bowl. If you’re using a punch bowl and want to serve it on ice, make sure you have a substantial block of ice or decorative ice ring; smaller cubes will dilute the punch too much. Serve in punch glasses or tea cups and grate fresh nutmeg on top. A little jar of this is also a great gift for friends and neighbors!



