Scotch Mix

This mixture of blended and peaty single-malt Scotches formed the base for all of our cocktails in February 2021. Blended Scotch as a category began with grocers like Johnnie Walker and John Dewar making their own bespoke mixtures of various Scotches to and bottling it for sale.


9 oz. blended Scotch, such as Famous Grouse
3 oz. peaty Scotch, such as Ardbeg Ten or Laphroaig

Yield: 1½ cups
Combine both in a bowl or jar and stir briefly. You can either store in a jar or bottle, labeled with something like 3:1 Scotch mix. Store at room temp. Never expires.

Note: This is my recommendation for the Scotch mix, but you're welcome to change the ratio, use more than two bottles, make a malty mix of a blended and a not-peaty single malt, or forgo the project and stick with blended Scotch. If you're open to smokiness, though, I hope you'll try this; I designed February 2021’s drinks using this exact ratio!


Demerara Syrup


Ginger-honey Mixture