Vanilla-Orange Cordial

Cordials are syrups that have juice added. If you like creamsicles, this cordial is for you. We used it in a couple of drinks for April 2021’s Tom Bullock month.


1 cup sugar
4 oranges
Half of a vanilla pod
Citric acid

Yield: approx. 1½ cups

Using a vegetable peeler, remove the peels (as though you were cutting a peel for garnish). Store peeled oranges in the fridge until the juicing step. In a ziploc, mix the sugar and peels around, covering all the peels with the sugar. Push all air out and seal tightly. Leave it for 12-18 hours. Turn the sugar mixture into a saucepan. Add ½ cup very warm water and stir. Pick out peels at this stage, trying not to lose too much sugar in the process. Set on low heat until sugar is dissolved, stirring as needed. Take off heat. Slice half of a vanilla pod down the middle (reserve other half for another use!). Scrape out inside of pod into a jar, then drop the pod in. Cover in the warm syrup and let steep 4+ hours. Juice oranges so you have ½ cup,* strain and set aside (refrigerate until ready to use). After syrup has steeped, strain mixture. (The vanilla pod still has more life in it; you can reserve it for another use in a Ziploc in the fridge.) Stir in the orange juice. Finally, stir in ½ teaspoon citric acid, adding more in tiny increments, to taste. (I used 1 teaspoon in my batch!)

*You will probably have extra juice—if so, drink it!


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