Spring Cookout Cocktail

I developed this stirred cocktail recipe for a class I taught online back in March of 2022. Its flavor profile–smoky, honeyed, and bitter–was inspired by those first grilling sessions of spring. It’s strong enough to stand up to a cool evening but fits in well on a warm day, too.


14 oz. bourbon
4¾ oz. Mezcal
4¾ oz. rabarbaro amaro
2 oz. honey syrup
1 bar spoon saline solution
5 oz. water

Garnish: orange coins, preferably flamed


Makes about eight 4–oz. servings.

Combine all in a nonreactive container. Stir. Bottle and freeze until ready to serve. Serve over ice in rocks glasses. Garnish with expressed orange coins; even better if you wow your friends with a bit of showmanship and flame the oils as you express the coin.


Primavera Aperitivo Bar


Verdant Vernal Punch